Monday, October 26, 2009

"What of the Rebellion?"
General Tagge, Star Wars

See that sign?

Do ya? Do ya? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Do you know how much I hate being told what to do?

Well, if you can put 2 and 2 together, I have passed off another one of the 14000 things to do before I die: go into an "employees only" area... and not be an employee!! But, see, there's a difference between rebellion and stupidity here. The area was just a stairwell. If there was an actual, secret door with secret things secretly waiting for secret people to secretly read them, there is no way in heck I would go against the rules. Alas, ktln and I went down a few steps, snapped a pic, and ran back up again.

The thing is....

Wanna hear the thing?

The security guards were only 10 feet away from us.

Yep :)

Mission accomplished.

Aaaaaaaah yeah!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ok. So I was at the store the other day and what did mine eyes behold?


Do cactus pears taste good? Where do said pears even come from (other than from a cactus...) How do you eat these things? They don't have any spikes! Who shaves them off? What do you do with them? How popular could those things be?


So I bought one.

And I peeled it like the lady said.

And I cut it open and it looked like this: ('twas a foreshadow of the nastiness to come...)

And I tried it along with ktln for moral/cultural support.

And it was... uh... TERRIFIC!

And if you believe that, I've got a bridge I want to sell you!

So pretty much I can cross that off my "to-do" list. Take my advice: not worth it. Bleck. I immediately washed my mouth out with leftover chocolate pie and grape-raspberry Jell-o! That made everything better!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nothing too exciting, but I accomplished some more things on my "to do" list!!

1. I went out the very front doors behind the curtains in the SWKT auditorium-- I bet some of you didn't even know that there were doors up there! HA! THERE ARE!!! But there isn't really a walk way to the sidewalk from those doors so my feet got muddy :(

2. There was something else!!! BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!! BAH!

3. I sat in the very back seats in the MCKB auditorium- you know, the ones where there are only 2 seats by each other-- it was cool :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I've accomplished another thing to do BEFORE I die! "What could it possibly be?!?!?" You might wonder. The anticipation is KILLING you, I'm sure!
Align Left
So... did you hear about them Yankees?

I went to Ladies Night at Deseret Book! Yep, prizes, gads of women, soaring estrogen levels (soy milk anyone?)-- it was AWESOME!!! We didn't even enter to win prizes, but the amazing amount of women present was enough to fulfill one of my 14000 things to do before I die. So pretty much I can cross that off my list. It was really fun, though! I can't wait till next year's conference!!!!
My recipe for the Chicken and Fresh Tomato Slow Cooker Stew has been reviewed
and not only that, but it has been given

So if you haven't already checked it out (not that I'm tooting my own horn or anything...) the site is: My World Famous Recipe (errr...- not really, but it's still a hyperlink to the recipe!)

Just wait because now that I've posted it, it'll get a nasty rating...

Friday, October 2, 2009


So... I'm in a puppetry class- yep! That's right! Puppetry! The funniest thing that people ask me after I tell them that is, "what do you do in that class?"

"Uh... I work with puppets..."

Well, yesterday was our first performance, and luckily for you I was video recorded! AND it was put on the internet. So if anyone feels so inclined to watch it, the link for my video is:

"Oh, to bee in love"

I hope you enjoy it! Have a FANTASTIC day!
