Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Go (quick breath) tell it on the Mou-ntain
Over the hi-ll and ev-vry-wh-eh-ere
Go (quick breath) tell it on the Mou-ntain

That Jesus Chri-ist is Born!

First of all, I love Christmas.

Second of all, this to-do list pass off was something that I never even thought of doing- because it's so awesome! It exceeded the realms of my to-do list dreaming capabilities.

Now I know what you are thinking....

What could it possibly BE?!?!?!


I'm DYING to know! DYING!!!

Things like that, I'm sure. It is comforting to know that I hold the fate of your mental health in my capable hands.


So what happened was this: A friend of mine told me about this person named Alex Boye who was singing for the halftime show at the Arizona v. BYU basketball game in the Energy Solutions Arena in Salt Lake City on December 11, 2010. I was like, "who's Alex Boye?" first of all-- and then she said:

"And he is looking for exceedingly beautiful, humble young women..."

Right away, I knew that I was qualified. And then she threw in the clincher:

"He needs a gospel choir..."

Swirling images of chocolate, hazelnut, caramel and vanilla from one of my favorite films Corrina, Corrina began melting in my mouth, and as I was recovering from the idea of accompanying Alex Boye in a Gospel Choir during half time at the Energy Solutions Area, she said the following words that would echo in my heart, possibly forever:

"And you would wear choir robes"

I was sold. Sold heart and oh-so-white soul. Hallelujah! Praise! Mmmmmmmm, sing it Girl!

So for your viewing entertainment, here is the video my brother-in-law took of our stunning performance. I'm the beautiful lady in the group of singers closet to the camera-- the girl closest to the camera that looks kind of awkward and has her hair in a bun. Mighta looked awkward, but I was sure feelin' the soul. Awwwwwwwww, yeah!

In case the video doesn't work, here's the YouTube link

Thursday, December 16, 2010


This world is full of danger. Mummies hands out to strangle victims! "Unspeakable horrors from outer space that paralyze the living and resurrect the dead!" "Lost River Lake was a thriving resort, until they appeared... PIRANHAS!" "The FEAR of the YEAR!"


This to-do list was to watch a B-rated movie. In case you don't know what constitutes a B-rated movie, here is a bit of light reading to illustrate the concept. In a nut shell, a B-rated movie is an extremely low budget film that is mainly produced to turn any kind of profit. Sensational and thrilling, these flicks keep you on the edge of your seat the entire way.

It's finals week in BYU-land, and I am done with 5 of my 6 finals; therefore, I have LOADS of time to kill. SO after taking an Ed Psych finals that kicked my rump, I was feeling a little weepy and Priscilla (my roomie) and I went to the library. We ended up checking out....





Monday, December 6, 2010

Here I am sitting in the middle of the computer lab on the fourth floor of the Harold B. Lee Library (yeah, I have a date with Harold...) feeling overly warm, drowsy, overwhelmed, stressed, and hungry because it's that time of year!

Time of year!
Where the students are stressed
Every where you hear
Student's saaaaay,

"Happy finals- I just hope I pass this CLLAAAAASSSS!"

out the snacks
Start those stacks and stacks
Of reviews, papers, projects, homeworks, midterms, and quizzesssssssssss:

It's the week before finals...weeeeeeeek!"

Anyway, the creation of that masterpiece was not one of my to-do's. My most recent pass-off kind of has something to do with that song... in the sense that songs were involved...

Background: At BYU, there is a magical place in the testing center called the Music Room. This room is crammed with students wanting to call down upon themselves any possible assistance; and since classical music supposedly helps the act of remembering, they figure why not?

Background: I have the hardest time focusing with music on. For whatever reason, my wires cease all function in the presence of music: of all varieties. In conversation, when the music switches or increases in volume, suddenly I am transformed into a blubbering somethingorother who is completely incapable of carrying on a conversation.

"huh? I'm sorry. There's music on and... I.... can't.... seem...where was I?"

Background: In my fours years at BYU, I have always wanted to take a test in the Music Room, but have feared the consequences of taking a test with music on.

Background: One of my professors gave us a practice midterm to take the testing center. It was just a practice, so as long as we took it, we got 100%! WHAT A SWEET DEAL!

Background: I studied a little bit, got my midterm, asked where the music room was (it was a magical mystery!!), and went right upstairs to that place. And took my test. And bombed it. BUT HEY!!!

I passed another thing off!!

Now it is your turn to answer a question.

Beautiful Lady's lack of good-scoreness was a direct result of the following:
a. Lack of sufficient studying
b. Taking 2 tests back-to-back (the first being a MathED midterm)
c. Classical Music
d. New test taking environment
e. a & b
f. a & c
g. a & d
h. b & c
i. b & d
j. c & d
k. a, b & c
l. a, b & d
m. b, c &d
n. All of the above
o. None of the above

The world may never know...