Monday, December 6, 2010

Here I am sitting in the middle of the computer lab on the fourth floor of the Harold B. Lee Library (yeah, I have a date with Harold...) feeling overly warm, drowsy, overwhelmed, stressed, and hungry because it's that time of year!

Time of year!
Where the students are stressed
Every where you hear
Student's saaaaay,

"Happy finals- I just hope I pass this CLLAAAAASSSS!"

out the snacks
Start those stacks and stacks
Of reviews, papers, projects, homeworks, midterms, and quizzesssssssssss:

It's the week before finals...weeeeeeeek!"

Anyway, the creation of that masterpiece was not one of my to-do's. My most recent pass-off kind of has something to do with that song... in the sense that songs were involved...

Background: At BYU, there is a magical place in the testing center called the Music Room. This room is crammed with students wanting to call down upon themselves any possible assistance; and since classical music supposedly helps the act of remembering, they figure why not?

Background: I have the hardest time focusing with music on. For whatever reason, my wires cease all function in the presence of music: of all varieties. In conversation, when the music switches or increases in volume, suddenly I am transformed into a blubbering somethingorother who is completely incapable of carrying on a conversation.

"huh? I'm sorry. There's music on and... I.... can't.... seem...where was I?"

Background: In my fours years at BYU, I have always wanted to take a test in the Music Room, but have feared the consequences of taking a test with music on.

Background: One of my professors gave us a practice midterm to take the testing center. It was just a practice, so as long as we took it, we got 100%! WHAT A SWEET DEAL!

Background: I studied a little bit, got my midterm, asked where the music room was (it was a magical mystery!!), and went right upstairs to that place. And took my test. And bombed it. BUT HEY!!!

I passed another thing off!!

Now it is your turn to answer a question.

Beautiful Lady's lack of good-scoreness was a direct result of the following:
a. Lack of sufficient studying
b. Taking 2 tests back-to-back (the first being a MathED midterm)
c. Classical Music
d. New test taking environment
e. a & b
f. a & c
g. a & d
h. b & c
i. b & d
j. c & d
k. a, b & c
l. a, b & d
m. b, c &d
n. All of the above
o. None of the above

The world may never know...

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