Saturday, February 26, 2011

First of all, I would like you to notice the view count at the bottom of the page- that's right OVER 1,000 VIEWS! I am stymied! It's funny to me that anyone would want to read this given the fact that it's neither terribly well written nor wonderfully exciting, but hey! I hope that you laugh out loud every so often (or at least chuckle inwardly...)

Now to the meat of this post. Imagine life in Indonesia. Whatever you conjured up is probably pretty true-to-form. Now think of yourself when you were 9 years old- awkward, gawky, skinny, big-footed, sweaty, unbelievably awkward, and then go ahead and sprinkle a little bit more awkward on top. Was that you? No? Well, that was definitely me.

I was nine years when my family moved to Indonesia. Picture me if you will- deeply tanned, all arms and legs, tall and skinny, a sheen of sweat omnipresent on my face, gigantic gapped front teeth, magnifying lenses for glasses, stringy blonde hair falling straight down to the middle of my back, an extra-large adult t-shirt, overall shorts--but wait! There's more!!

That's right. At that terrible point in my fashion history, I decided to grow out my bangs (after all, it was the 90's). So, in addition to all of those goings-on, I had a stretchy head band encircling my head with bang "wings" poking out from underneath. I wish that I had a picture of that to show you, but they were all burned in a tragic, tragic fire...

The thought of returning to the bangs world made me shiver. It made me shake. The image from my childhood-Indonesia-bang-growing-out-years made me vow to never, NEVER want to get bangs ever again.

Alas. Recently, I needed a change. So! This post is dedicated to the bang unveiling AS WELL AS the unveiling of the new glasses- TWO THINGS PASSED OFF! See, the bangs was the first thing, and the second thing was to get colored glasses with a full frame! These glasses are hip! Trendy! The latest rage in London! And I love them :)


(did you notice that the glasses were GREEN!?!? Here's a picture of the cool detailing on the side... just because I know you want to see...)


  1. Yah, that fire sure was tragic... (hee hee hee)

  2. I might add, that you weren't growing out your bangs, you were growing out your "fringes."
