Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Well, to start off with, here is a picture of Iowa. Is it everything you thought it would be--
AND MORE?!?!?!
(Those are soybeans, by the way- not corn)

And here is a picture of me.
In the middle of this country road.

JK! JK! This "pass off" on my list is to lay (lie?) in the middle of a country road. I know, I know, I know. Lame, right? WRONG! There is something terribly thrilling about stopping your car in the middle of the road, getting out, and laying down in the very spot that someone else (whether animal or human) could have been run over and actually DIED before! (did that make any sense?)
Or it could just be thrilling cuz you've never done it before.
OR maybe because it is the breaking of a social norm.
Above is the view of my on the road. And below is the view from laying down on the road.
And there is my photographer, Padder (after I got the camera from him). Doesn't he look just wonderfully contemplative?
So yeah. It was AWESOME! I recommend anyone and everyone to go and lay down in the middle of the road! (preferably when no one is coming, but hey- who am I to tell you what to do?)

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